Yoga therapy for balance and mobility (hatha)

Yoga therapy for balance and mobility (hatha)

This class is moderately active and based on classic yoga poses with simple principles of stretching, bending, rotating and relaxing. Yoga can improve pain symptoms and imbalances in parts of our bodies that have been injured, traumatized or simply neglected. Hatha yoga has a lot to offer in terms of correcting misalignment and thus relieving chronic stress patterns in the body. As the body restores its balance and range of motion, the mind relaxes and rewires in turn, improving mood, attention and general mental health.

Julie Henneberg

Every Tuesday

15 € per session
10 sessions for 140 €

Registration through the online tool on Julie’s website: Inschrijven.
More information through Julie Henneberg – Neshama Yoga – 0489 94 68 47