Yoga therapy for flexibility (yin)

Yoga therapy for flexibility (Yin Yoga)

Yin yoga classes are targeted at supporting the health of the body’s most vulnerable tissue: the joints. In this slow-paced class you relax in simple poses that you hold for a few minutes to allow the stretch to penetrate the deep connective tissue of your spine, hips and other joints. Over time and with age, the connective tissues of the body can become stiff and/or inflamed, and thus more prone to injury. These gentle stretches gradually help release that tension and improve symptoms of pain. Body and mind emerge feeling spacious and refreshed.

Julie Henneberg

Every Thursday

15 € per session
10 sessions for 140 €

Registration through the online tool on Julie’s website: Inschrijven.
More information through Julie Henneberg – Neshama Yoga – 0489 94 68 47